Executive Summary about education for kids by Debbie Cluff
Teachers “have very little understanding of the arts as disciplines of study. Fine arts expand the boundaries of learning for the students and encourage creative thinking and a deeper understanding of the core subjects, which are language arts, math, science, and social studies. Teachers need to incorporate all genres of fine arts, which include, theater, visual art, dance, and music, into their lesson plans because the arts gives the students motivational tools to unlock a deeper understanding of their education. Teaching the arts is the most powerful tool that teachers can present in their classrooms because this enables the students to achieve their highest level of learning.
It was then compared to those students who received computer training which involved no fine art components. This study shows how one little change in the way students are taught through the arts can have a powerful impact on their learning achievements and understandings. Teaching the arts needs to be incorporated in every teachers daily lesson plans because, based on these studies, students who are taught through the arts raise their test and learning levels.
Jacobs explains,
Teaching though the arts requires students to engage in the act of creative art. Teaching through the arts helps students experience concepts rather than simply discussing or reading them. (Jacobs, 1999, p. 2)
Three, veteran teachers at a public elementary school did a case study which involved teaching through the arts. They believed “our students had to experience cycles of inquiry wherein they learned about the arts and through the arts, and that they needed to see teachers of different disciplines collaborate” (Berghoff, 2003, p. 2).
The study was based on teaching a history lesson unit on Freedom and Slavery through the arts. (Berghoff, 2003). The students had learned more from this lesson because they were able to use all styles of learning and were taught from an angle which is rarely used, through the arts. “Studies indicate that a successful arts integrated program will use these components to guide student learning and assess growth and development (Swan-Hudkins, 2003). Teaching through the arts are the key elements of learning and the traits teachers strive to establish and reinforce in their students. By working through the arts, instead of about the arts, the students’ educational experience will be achieved in a different way than just teaching the standard style of learning. Recent Reports from the National Art Education Association (NAEA) confirmed with Governor Davis when they reported “Students in art study score higher on both their Verbal and Math SAT tests than those who are not enrolled in arts courses (California Art Study, 2003, p. 5). Attached is a copy of the test scores of students in the arts and students with no arts coursework.
This company understands the importance of incorporating arts into the classroom. Teachers need to gain a better education of teaching their students through the arts. Teaching through the arts is the most powerful tool that teachers can give in their classrooms because it enables the students to achieve their highest level of learning.
With the lack of attention art is getting outside of the classroom, teachers cannot afford not to incorporate dance, theater, visual arts, or music in their lesson plans. Fine arts is the core curriculums constant and most important companion. Cycles of Inquiry with the Arts. Connecting Arts Education Policy and Research to Classroom Teaching. Teaching Core Curriculum Content through the Arts. The Effect of an Elementary Fine Arts Program on Students’.
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