Public education that has a solution?
Just ask U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, the Republican's first stop as he officially announced for governor today is her alma mater, La Marque High School. Or Democrat Tom Schieffer, who opened the campaign for governor in Fort Worth elementary school he attended. Or GOP Gov. Rick Perry, who in 2002 took a press entourage to Paint Creek (graduating class, 13). The caretaker expects him back this year for homecoming.
But do not ask for details of their plans for the future of public education. Too early for that, they said. You can get some generalities and look back while you wait, though.
Perry stood proudly on the public education record. His staff CITES long list of pluses, including the level of secondary school are up, including to Africa and the United States Hispanics; increased funding, teacher pay raises; standards and strong accountability. "Priorities in education is to maintain the success is happening in the future," said Perry spokesman Mark Miner.
But business and education leaders last year expressed concern about - as one put it - the quantity and quality of high school graduates. The Intercultural Development Research Association estimates that high school lost 33 percent of the students (although the Texas Board of Education submit a high school dropout rate in the 10.5 per cent). And as a colleague Gary Scharrer has been reported, the school superintendents talk more about school finance lawsuits.
'... In ' Perry's opponent to find a lot of criticizing, but they do not reveal details about how they will be better by Texas education.
Hutchison spokesman Jeff Sadosky: "Texas has a high school dropout rate in the country. Texans can be better and Kay Bailey Hutchison will be better. As governor he has a commitment to prepare for the children of Texas high-paying jobs for their future by providing better training teachers, increased accountability and education is the best in the world. He advanced to laying the specifics of the plan the coming months. "
Schieffer: "Public education must work if we have any chance of success in the community and a successful democracy .... What we do now is not working." He spoke of early childhood education, an education system that ensures the of all ages can "plug in" and volunteer coordination efforts to better assist young people. However, he does not specifically about how he would raise additional money that may be needed, says he will take issue with the stakeholders together.
"Is the campaign a more knowledgeable about the concepts of what you want to do," said Schieffer. "The government and fleshing the concept that attempts to do through them, and through changes in the law."
To Paint Creek Independent School District supervisor Don Ballard, who worked on the tight budget as it faces a new school year, problems and solutions that are pretty easy to correct. "I'm really concerned with school finance in general - to be able to educate students with the amount of money available," said Ballard. "I think our education system is doing great. We just need more money." May the candidates agree. Or not. Such as voice administrator Ballard deserves to know.
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nice blog....keep blogging...
BalasHapusblog yang bagus pak,,,tapi saya lebih menyukai tamplate anda....
BalasHapusCongratulations on the National Teacher, may the children of this nation to be smart, honest and are being worked together in good terms.